All classes aim to instil discipline, physical literacy and provide a structure of Olympic style boxing.

We work in a group setting with members training in pairs, this helps to cement and build relationships within the team. Members are taught at their own pace in a supportive and encouraging environment. Each session ends with some strength and conditioning work, with games being incorporated into this section too. We always end the session how we started in a circle, with the focus being positive and uplifting.

We are growing youth to be the solution, not the problem. Working together we can lift standards of performance motivating others to a life of excellence.


Provide opportunities and life skill coaching, practical boxing and exercise training, positive role modelling and leadership skills, talent identification and goal setting. We aim to build quality relationships with our participants and their whanau, helping them to live lives they value.


Has a positive attitude towards adults and siblings.

Is helpful and assists around the home.

Is good at following instructions and obeying rules of the house hold.

Makes positive decisions when challenged throughout the day.

Cadet Classes (8-10 years)

This class is designed to introduce the young humans of Hawkes Bay to the life changing sport of Amateur Boxing. We teach ABC’s (Agility, Balance & Coordination) and the basics of boxing. We often include games to enhance the learning and create a fun and exciting atmosphere whilst developing a wonderful, inclusive team culture.

Junior Classes (11-14 years)

A classic age with so much energy which we enhance into positive outcomes through amateur boxing. We have Boys and Girls classes who come to make new friends through to some who want to have their first boxing match. These classes are always energising to teach and have students who are keen to learn the fundamentals of boxing and we teach many of them through games with the hope to develop physical literacy for life.

Senior Classes (15-40 years)

This, often large class of 30-40 members, works together to cement the friendly and developmental culture that is Giants Boxing. We work towards getting our competitive members to the highest level of Amateur Boxing whilst including everyone on the journey even if you are there for a bit of fitness and fun. We have classes for both Women and Men at separate times which allows for more members and specific development strategies. Yes, we work hard but also teach a high technical level to help everyone understand amateur boxing and perform within our Academy. If you’re not here at these classes, then you must be doing some super special to be missing out!

Casual Boxing with Seamus
​​​​​​​(All welcome)

Morning is a special time so training with this team of hard working, engaging, fun humans is a worthwhile venture. These classes follow a similar theme to the rest of the academy classes using positive relationships and fun activities to get the best from those who attend. A bit of exercise, some boxing skills and a laugh is how the day is designed to start. Join this team and you will feel alive again.

Whether training for an official bout or just coming back to fitness these morning sessions are ideal for building physical and mental resilience. We use amateur boxing as a vehicle to get your day off to a great start and build self confidence in a friendly team environment. Boxing builds all around fitness in a way that many other sports do not.

PT Boxing Class with Dave
​​​​​​​(All welcome)

Class Dates: 7am Tuesday and 11.30am Saturday

Class Cost: $10 per class

Class Aim: To coach and develop fundamentals in boxing. Feeding into Giants Senior classes for those who show promise and commitment. We welcome all and embrace the Giants family ethos. Classes have an eliminate of fun, fitness and techniques and a challenge. Including games for engagement and relative boxing skills. We have a lot of fun!